How to Calculate Your GPA

Your GPA (Grade Point Average) is the average of your end of term grades. You can figure your GPA on a semester by semester basis or for your cumulative, overall GPA.

Grades are assigned a numerical value:
A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0

Note: Units attempted that result in CR/NC, W, IP, RD or INC grades are not used to calculate the GPA.



Course Units Attempted X Grade
(numerical value)
= Grade Points
ENGL R101 4 X A (4) = 16
MATH R105 4 X B (3) = 12
SOC R101 3 X B (3) = 9
HED R102 3 X C (2) = 6
POL SCI 101 (3) X W (0) = 0
TOTALS 14       43


  1. Multiply the units attempted by the numerical value of the grade to get grade points
      Units attempted   Grade   Grade Points
    Example: 3 x 4 = 12
  2. Total the units attempted column and total the grade point column.

  3. The GPA is determined by dividing the total grade points by the number of attempted units.
    Grade Points   Units attempted   Grade Point Average
    43 / 14 = 3.07


Grade Scale:

4.0 = A average
3.0 = B average
2.0 = C average
1.0 = D average
0.0 = F average

Unit Converter Tool
Enter a number of units in either box
then click outside the text box.

Quarter Units:      

Semester Unit Quarter Unit
1 1.5
2 3
3 4.5
4 6
5 7.5
6 9
7 10.5
8 12
9 13.5
10 15
11 16.5
12 18
13 19.5
14 21
15 22.5
16 24
17 25.5
18 27