Education Support for Faculty and Staff

Teaching distance education courses offer students flexible ways of receiving learning content. Teaching online requires a certain amount of technical knowledge, but it also requires knowledge of pedagogical principles specific to online teaching. This presents instructors with new challenges and opportunities in teaching because more often than not, instructors need to evaluate many aspects of their instruction, including course design - how they deliver lessons, course materials, communicate, and interact with students, and how they will assess content in the online environment. 

If you are considering teaching online, or would like help with your online content, please contact the Instructional Technologist/Designer at Oxnard College. 

About Instructional Technologist/Designers

Instructional Technologists/Designers (ITDs) are education specialists who study and apply proven pedagogical/andragogical strategies for effective instructional delivery in face-to-face, online, and hybrid courses. Additionally, ITDs regularly research, test, and make recommendations for the inclusion of cutting-edge learning technologies meant to enhance equity and access to a variety of learning subjects in the education learning environment.  ITDs provide regular and consistent support to campus and district faculty through group training and workshops, as well as one-on-one consultations on a variety of education topics including:

  • Universal Design in Learning
  • Course Design
  • Section 508 and ADA compliance
  • Educational Learning Theories
  • Application of the CVC-OEI and Peralta Equity rubrics
  • Student-centered course design in Canvas
  • Objectives/Outcomes-based learning
  • Edutainment, media, and interactive content
  • POCR preparation and revision
  • Transparency in Learning and Teaching
  • Instructional Technology (EdTech) support and troubleshooting
  • And more...

Whether you are an on-campus instructor seeking help with the Canvas gradebook or a seasoned online instructor looking for new ways to engage your students in collaborative learning projects, the Oxnard College Instructional Technologist/Designer is here to guide and support you.

Your Oxnard College Instructional Technologist Designers are Laura Knight and Eduardo Ruiz. 



Faculty Resources