
The Technology Effectiveness Committee (TEC) supports and advances the college mission, vision, and values by assessing college needs related to technology planning, use, efficiency, development, and maintenance. The TEC makes recommendations to the College Planning Council.


Members are selected or appointed on an annual basis prior to the conclusion of the spring semester for the subsequent academic year.


  • Vice President of Business Services: Chris Renbarger
  • Academic Senate President or designee: Ishita Edwards
  • Classified Senate President or designee: Tyler Haven

Committee Members

  • Four Academic Senate representatives
    1. Alex Lynch
    2. Dianne Frehlich
    3. Raffi Najarian
    4. Sharbani Banerjee
  • Two Classified Senate representatives
    1. Deborah Tyson
    2. Nathan Streeper
  • Two Associated Student Government representatives
  • Two Management representatives
    1. Ashley Porter
    2. Botros Saleb

Area Experts

  • Assistive Computer Technology/Media Access Specialist: Nate Streeper
  • Director of Information Technology: Mike Alexander
  • Instructional Technologist/Designer: Laura Knight
  • Institutional Effectiveness Representative: Susan Lawrence


Members have the following responsibilities:

  • Review and make recommendations for revisions to the college Technology Master Plan.
  • Develop annual and long-term objectives and action steps to implement the recommendations of the Technology Master Plan, Educational Master Plan, or other college plans, as they related to the committee's purpose.
  • Study existing technology and technological infrastructure and recommend alterations and improvements.
  • Ensure ongoing attention to equitable educational access and outcomes, and removal of barriers for underserved populations and students with disabilities.
  • Review, evaluate, and make recommendations regarding new technologies for college use.
  • Review, evaluate, and make recommendations regarding allocation of technology refresh and infrastructure funds.
  • Assess and recommend technology training provided through professional development, computer support, and self-guided training systems to ensure that the training meets the needs of faculty and staff.
  • Here and address technology concerns brought to the committee's attention.
  • Rank technology-related resource requests, as requested by the Budget Committee.