Student Equity Plan Executive Summary

Oxnard College is a learning-centered institution that embraces academic excellence by providing multiple pathways to student success. Located in Oxnard, California, Oxnard College serves a highly diverse student population, which closely mirrors the ethnicity of its high school graduates and service area.  The college focuses on providing high quality instruction with sufficient services to support student success.

The 2022-2025 Oxnard College Student Equity Plan focuses on increasing enrollment, persistence, completion, transfer level math and English completion, and transfer for all students and disproportionately impacted student groups as measured by success indicators linked to the Student Success Metrics (SSM).

Oxnard College’s Student Equity Plan was prepared with direction and input from all participatory governance committees, including the Student Equity & Success Committee, Classified Senate, Associated Students and Academic Senate  as well as the College's Executive Council and Board of Trustees. The Student Equity & Success Committee will serve as the committee charged with monitoring the Student Equity Plan’s progress and outcomes, and includes representation from academic departments, Academic Support, Student Services staff, Counseling and Matriculation, Admissions and Records, Financial Aid, Business Services, Classified Senate, and Associated Student Government.

While the Student Equity Plan was being developed by a team of writers, drafts were submitted to these committees, college governance groups, and administrators for input and feedback. The Student Equity Plan was designed in coordination with Guided Pathways, AB705 and the state chancellor’s office Vision for Success. Through the Student Equity Plan, the College identified activities and services that address equity gaps. Oxnard College intends to support faculty and staff in providing high quality instructional programs and student services that are clearly shaped to effectively support student success for all students with a specific focus on those identified as disproportionately impacted in the Student Equity Plan.